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- Kwang-Yeong Shin
- Professor
- Tel : 82-2-820-5180
- E-mail : kyshin@cau.ac.kr

- Education
MA. in Sociology, University of Minnesota
Ph.D in Sociology, University of Wisconsin Madison

- Research interests
social inequality, labor politics, precarious work, and comparative welfare policy

Kwang-Yeong Shin is Professor of sociology at Chung-Ang University in Seoul, Korea. He is also joint professorships in the Department of German and European Studies and the Cultural Studies. His research interests include the impact of the transformation of the labor market and population on social inequality, historical social democracy in Scandinavia, and neoliberal turns and the rise of precariat in East Asia. His recent book is Social Inequality in South Korea. His recent publications were appeared in Korean Journal of Sociology, Third World Quarterly and American Behavioral Scientist. He is currently one of co-editors of the Asian Journal of German and European Studies and editorial board members of three journals- Social Forces, Journal of Contemporary Asia, and Globalizations.

Curriculum Vitae
- Byoung-Hoon Lee
- Professor
- Tel : 82-2-820-5117
- E-mail : bhlee@cau.ac.kr

- Education
M.S. in Industrial & Labor Relations, Cornell University
Ph.D in Industrial & Labor Relations, Cornell University

- Research interests
Work Sociology, Labor Market, Labor/Employment Relations, Labor Movement, Working Life

Byoung-Hoon Lee is a professor in the department of sociology. His major research areas are industrial relations, labor market, labor movement, and working life. His recent research interests include labor market polarization under neoliberal labor regime, the struggles of non-regular and youth workers, labor solidarity, publicness of labor union movement. Recent journal publications have appeared in Journal of Industrial Relations, Industrial Relations Journal, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Asian Pacific Business Review, and Korea Journal. A number of co-authored books, including Contemporary South Korea Society, Temporary Agency Work and Globalization, Youth Unemployment and Jobless, International and Comparative Employment Relations, are published in recent years.

Curriculum Vitae
- Hyunju Kim
- Professor
- Tel : 82-2-820-5164
- E-mail : kimhj@cau.ac.kr

- Education
M.S. in Sociology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Ph.D in Sociology, University of Washington, Seattle

- Research interests
Family and Parent-Child Relationship, Emerging Adulthood, Equity and Resource Exchange

Hyunju Kim is a professor in the department of sociology. Her major research areas are parent-child relationship and emerging adulthood. Her Ph.D dissertation was about gender roles and marital satisfaction. She worked on the relationship between parents and their child from the perspective of exchange theory. Her recent research interests include transitions from the adolescent to the young adult in the context of linked lives with the family and the labor market.

Curriculum Vitae
- Kyounghee Kim
- Professor
- Tel : 82-2-820-5227
- E-mail : khkim64@cau.ac.kr

- Education

- Research interests

- Seung-Wook Baek
- Professor
- Tel : 82-2-820-5733
- E-mail : swbaek@cau.ac.kr

- Education
M.A. and Ph.D in sociology, Seoul National University.
- Research interests
Social changes in contemporary Chinese society, contemporary Critical social theory and Marxist theories.

Seung-Wook Baek published many books in Korea including Chinese Workers and Chinese Labour Politics, Lectures on Capitalist History, China on the boundary of Globalization and Chinese Cultural Revolution and the Aporia of Politics[also translated in Chinese].
He tries to interpret contemporary history from world-systems approaches and translated main books on world-system analysis into
Korean including Giovanni Arrighi’s The Long Twenties Century, Immanual Wallerstein’s The End of the World As We Know It and Beverly Silver’s Forces of Labour.
He was former visiting research associate at Fernand Braudel center for the study of Economies, Historical System and Civilization of Binghamton University, former visiting senior research fellow at the Center for Global Political Economy of Sussex University and former editor of New Left Review Korean Edition. He is now doing research on the Chinese Labour dispatch system, Global Economic Crisis and ‘the Social’ in Marx Idea.

Curriculum Vitae
- Eunwoo Joo
- Professor
- Tel : 82-2-820-5739
- E-mail : ewjbat@cau.ac.kr

- Education

- Research interests

- Jin-Wook Shin
- Professor
- Tel : 82-2-820-5752
- E-mail : socioshin@cau.ac.kr

- Education
MA. in Sociology, Yonsei University
Ph.D in Sociology, Free University of Berlin

- Research interests
political sociology, social movements, social inequalities, welfare state

Jin-Wook Shin is Professor at the Department of Sociology. He studied sociology at Yonsei University and received his Ph.D. in sociology at Free University of Berlin, Germany. He was a visiting professor at Free University of Berlin and a Fellow of Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation in 2012-13. He has been teaching at Chung-Ang University “political sociology”, “social movements”, and “social problems”. He published books and articles in research areas of democratic theory, party politics, social movements, social inequalities, and welfare state. His international publications include: Modernisierung und Zivilgesellschaft in Südkorea (2005), “Globalization and Increasing Inequality in East Asia” (2011), “Lessons from German Reunification for Inter-Korean Relations” (2014), and “Individualisation of Civil Society in the Context of the Information Age: the Case of South Korea” (2015).

Curriculum Vitae
- Na-Young Lee
- Professor
- Tel : 82-2-820-5826
- E-mail : nylee@cau.ac.kr

- Education
M.S. in Women’s Studies, University of Maryland
Ph.D in Women’s Studies, University of Maryland

- Research interests
Feminist Theory, Political economy of globalization, Post/colonialism, Nationalism, Sexuality, and Women’s cross-national movements

Na-Young LEE is Professor in the Department of Sociology at Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. After graduating from the Department of Women’s Studies at the University of Maryland in 2006, she worked at George Mason University. She has developed wide ranging research interests such as politics of representation, political economy of globalization, post/colonialism, gendered nationalism, sexuality, and women’s cross-national movements. She has published many books and articles both in Korean and in English, covering the subjects of comfort women, U.S. military bases, prostitution, gendered space, women’s oral history, and migration. In addition, as actively involving in activist fields of Japanese military sexual slaves, anti-prostitution movement, and anti-US military prostitution movement, she has served on the boards of various academic professional associations for Women’s Studies, Sociology, and Cultural Studies in Korea. Her recent publication includes Media and Gender (co-author) (2013); Feminist Oral History: Deconstructing Institutional Knowledge (co-editor & co-author) (2012); Post/Modern Asia and Women (co-author) (2011).

Curriculum Vitae
- Min-Ah Lee
- Associate professor
- Tel : 82-2-820-5786
- E-mail : malee@cau.ac.kr

- Education
M.S. in Applied Statistics, Purdue University
Ph.D in Sociology, Purdue University

- Research interests
Health inequality, Mental Health, Suicide, Fertility, Life course and Aging

Min-Ah Lee is an associate professor in the department of sociology. Her major research areas are health inequality, mental health and aging. Her Ph.D dissertation was about neighborhood segregation and the health of Hispanic Americans, and its modified chapters were published in Journal of Heath and Social Behavior and Social Science & Medicine. Her recent research interests include depressive symptoms and suicidality of Koreans in association with income inequality, early adversities, and ecological factors as well as the life satisfaction and psychological well-being of Korean older adults living alone. Recent publications have also appeared in Child Abuse & Neglect and Social Science Research.

Curriculum Vitae
- Chan S. Suh
- Assistant Professor
- Tel : 82-2-820-xxxx
- E-mail : sociochan@cau.ac.kr

- Education
M.A. in Sociology, Yonsei University
Ph.D. in Sociology, Cornell University

- Research interests
Political sociology, Social Movements, Social Networks, Quantitative Methods

Chan S. Suh will serve as an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology as of March 2018. Prior to joining Chung-Ang, he worked as an assistant professor at Boise State University and a visiting assistant professor at Cornell University. He mainly uses quantitative methods to study (1) state-civil society dynamics and (2) behavioral diffusion. His research has appeared in the American Journal of Sociology, Social Forces, Mobilization, Social Science Research, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Sociological Forum, and others.

Curriculum Vitae