- 전공 사회계층론, 사회인구학, 교육사회학
- 연락처 02-820-5199
- yool@cau.ac.kr
- https://cyoolc.wixsite.com/ychoi
Department of Sociology,
Chung-Ang University
- University of California Los-Angeles 사회학과 박사
- 고려대학교 사회학과 석사
- 고려대학교 사회학과 학사
- Choi, Yool and Harris Hyun-soo Kim*, 2024, “Social capital, food insecurity, and health outcomes in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic”, Perspectives in Public Health
- Bongoh Kye, Sun-Jae Hwang*, Jiyeon Kim, Yool Choi, 2022, “Intergenerational Occupational Mobility of South Korea, 1988-2017: Implications of the Gendered LifeCourse Approaches for Mobility and Inequality Studies”, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
- Choi, Yool., Harris Hyun-soo Kim, and Doohwan Kim*, 2020, “The changing value of college education in Korea: Focusing on its heterogeneous wage returns across cohorts (1956-1986)”, KEDI Journal of Education Policy
- 정인관, 최성수, 황선재, 최율*, 2020, “한국의 세대 간 사회이동과 교육불평등: 2000년 이후 경험적 연구에 대한 종합적 검토”, 경제와 사회
- Choi, Yool., Doo-Sub Kim*, and Jungkyun Ryu, 2020, “Marital Dissolution of Transnational Couples in South Korea”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
- 김도영, 최율*. 2019. “대졸 청년의 공무원 시험 준비 및 합격에 나타난 계층 수준과 교육성취의 효과", 경제와사회
- 문정주, 최율*(공동 1저자), 2019, “배제의 법칙으로서의 입시제도: 사회적 계층 수준에 따른 대학 입시제도 인식 분석”, 한국사회학
- Choi, Yool*, 2018, “The Heterogeneous Effects of Shadow Education on SAT Scores”, Development and Society
- Choi, Yool*, 2018, “Student Employment and Persistence: Evidence of Effect Heterogeneity of Student Employment on College Dropout”, Research in Higher Education
- Jo, Sungik and Yool Choi*, 2017, “Convergent or divergent? The Hidden Dynamics of Institutional Changes in the Labor Markets and Social Welfare Systems in South Korea and Japan”, Politics and Policy
- Choi, Yool* and Hyojung Lee, 2017, “Do Regular Cholesterol Screenings Lead to Lower Cholesterol Levels and Better Health Behaviors for All? Spotlight on Middle-Aged and Older Adults in the United States”, Journal of Aging and Health
- 이왕원, 김문조, 최율*, 2016, “한국사회의 계층귀속감과 상향이동의식 변화”, 한국사회학
- Choi, Yool* and Hyunjoon Park, 2016, “Shadow Education and Educational Inequality in South Korea: Examining Effect Heterogeneity of Shadow Education on Middle School Seniors’ Achievement Test Scores”, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
- 최율*, 이왕원, 2015, “청년층 취업선호도와 노동시장 진입의 관계: 잠재집단 분석과 생존분석을 통한 접근”, 한국사회학
- Choi, Yool, 2015, “The Effects of English Training Abroad on Labor Market Outcomes in Korea”, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
- 중앙대학교 사회학과 부교수(2023~)
- 중앙대학교 사회학과 조교수(2020~2022)
- 한국교원대학교 일반사회교육과 조교수(2017~2019)
- 한양대학교 SSK 다문화사업단 박사후연구원(2015~2016)
- 미국교육연구협회(AERA) 박사논문 장학생(2013~2014)